Soft Drinks & Water

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What are the types of soft drinks & water?


Avansas offers many different kinds of soft drinks and water products that are available for purchase on our website! The following are the types of soft drinks and water products currently on offer within this range:


  • Fruit drinks: Avansas offers a wide range of fruit drinks that come in a variety of quantities and taste options! Produced from some of the best fruit juice suppliers, you can trust that the fruit juice products on offer are tasty, delicious and refreshing.


  • Long life milk: The long life provided by UHT allows for customers to enjoy milk that offers the most cost effective and convenient milk solution, all provided in a 500ml or 1L box. Each milk on offer blends the goodness and quality of fresh milk with the benefits of long life, creating a product that is not only delicious but one that is made to last!


  • Bottled water: Avansas is definitely the place to go when looking at purchasing bottled water! With our wide range of products that each come in different sizing options, amounts and with different taste choices, customers cannot go wrong with purchasing one of our bottled water products! Supplied by some of the finest brands in the water business, you are assured to be receiving the best possible quality for the best possible prices.


  • Fizzy drinks: Avansas sells many different kinds of fizzy drinks to suit the different tastes of our customers. The types of fizzy drinks on offer are some of the world's favourite and most iconic products produced by some of the largest producers of fizzy drinks. When looking to purchase any fizzy drink product from Avansas, customers are encouraged to take a browse through our various brands and flavouring options!



Are the soft drinks & water sold by Avansas of good quality?



The sugary drinks and water products that are sold by Avansas come from some of the best and most well-known brands in the world. When purchasing any of these soft drinks and water products from Avansas you are assured that you are receiving goods that are made from the very best and highest quality ingredients in not only the United Kingdom, but the world. From the original fizzy drink, Coca-cola, that ensnared the hearts and taste buds of millions to the Dairy Pride Semi Skimmed Milk that is the perfect accompaniment to any hot beverage, Avansas has it all! Produced from the best quality brands in the market, Avansas only sells soft drinks and water products that pertain to the highest quality management systems! Customers can always be sure that they are purchasing a product that adheres to the highest standards in the soft drink and bottled water market!



How to store soft drinks & water?


The storage solutions required by each of the individual products on offer differ according to the type of drink one is purchasing. The following are the suggested storage solutions for each category on offer within the sugary drinks and water:


  • Fizzy drinks: Fizzy drinks go flat when the carbon dioxide gas used to carbonate it is allowed to escape. If you leave a can open for any long period of time, the carbonation will leak out, leaving you with a not so fizzy fizzy drink. For those who do not wish to finish an entire can of Coke or Pepsi in one sitting and still wish for your drink to hold its fizz, customers can try to place a small piece of plastic wrap on the outer edge of the can and hold it in place with an elastic band. Although not scientifically proven, this method should help your drink retain its carbonated form!


  • Bottled water: Bottled water can be stored in either a cupboard or a fridge, depending on the personal preferences.


  • Long life milk: One of the benefits of purchasing and using long-life and UHT milk is that it has a reduced need for refrigeration! With a shelf life of up to 6 months, customers purchasing long-life and UHT milk can rest assured that the products they are purchasing are made to last. While long-life and UHT milk products do not need to be refrigerated whilst not opened, it is suggested that customers store the milk products in the fridge after the container has been opened up.


  • Fruit juice: Fruit juices can be stored in either the cupboard or the fridge, depending entirely on each customer's specific taste preferences.



What are the prices of the soft drinks & water?


Like any product that is sold by Avansas, the prices of soft drinks and water are designed to provide the consumer with the best value for money. Each of the products within the soft drinks and water range is sold in various case amounts and so each price structure is designed with popularity and availability at the forefront of product costing. Customers are assured that each soft drinks and water product is competitively priced according to the market value.


Avansas knows that we supply a wide variety of customers and therefore we offer a multitude of products at different pricing scales. Customers are encouraged to compare prices and product descriptions to find the soft drinks and water product that best suits their needs, both economically and according to taste preferences.



Are the soft drink & water brands sold by Avansas reliable?


Yes - the soft drinks and water products on offer are from trusted suppliers and are each made of the best quality ingredients! When purchasing any soft drinks and water product from Avansas, you are receiving a guarantee that you are purchasing goods that are of the highest quality and are products that you can trust. From the original and delicious fizzy drink, Coca-cola, to the Dairy Pride Semi Skimmed Milk that is the perfect accompaniment to any hot beverage, Avansas has it all! Produced from the best quality brands in the market, Avansas only sells soft drinks and water products from brands that adhere to the highest quality management systems!